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At, we are your dedicated source for all things OnePlus. As technology enthusiasts and fervent fans of the OnePlus brand, we recognized the need for a centralized hub that delivers comprehensive and up-to-the-minute news and updates about OnePlus mobile devices. This realization led to the inception of, a platform tailored for OnePlus enthusiasts who crave the latest information about their favorite smartphones.

Our Mission

Our mission at is simple but profound: to be the go-to destination for OnePlus-related news and updates. We are committed to delivering timely and accurate information, ensuring that our readers are always in the loop about the latest developments, releases, and innovations from OnePlus.

Meat Our Team

Behind is a team of dedicated tech journalists and OnePlus enthusiasts who are as passionate about the brand as you are. Our team members bring a wealth of experience in the tech industry, ensuring that the content we deliver is not only informative but also insightful.

Pravesh Shing – Founder
Education: B.Tech in Computer Science

Pravesh Shing, the visionary founder of, channels his expertise in computer science to curate a space where OnePlus enthusiasts can access a wealth of information. His commitment to cutting-edge technology and dedication to accuracy shape the core values of our platform.

Rajesh Sharma – Editor and Writer
Bachelor in Journalism and Mass Communication

Our Editor and primary Writer, Rajesh Sharma, brings journalistic finesse to With a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, Rajesh not only reports the news but crafts narratives that engage and inform. His commitment to journalistic integrity ensures our content is not just timely but also compelling.

Kratika Pandey – SEO Expert and Writer
BA Graduate

Kratika Pandey, our SEO expert and writer, plays a pivotal role in ensuring remains at the forefront of OnePlus-related searches. Her articles not only provide valuable insights but are also optimized to enhance your online discovery of all things OnePlus.

Veshnavi Thakur – Writer
B.Com Graduate

Veshnavi Thakur, a commerce graduate, injects creativity into our articles, making complex OnePlus-related topics accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Through her writing, she strives to create content that resonates with the diverse OnePlus community.

Thank you for choosing as your trusted source for OnePlus news and updates. We look forward to being your companion on this thrilling OnePlus adventure! – Your Premier Source for OnePlus News and Updates